“[U]ltimately, the place but is only a name, the City [...] a universe of rented spaces haunted by a nowhere or by dreamed-of places.” Drawing from this quote from Michel de Certeau, four authors join to explore their interactions with place and displacement — and the haunting spaces that those experiences create. From migrations across oceans to collective memory and trauma to the threat of climate disaster, these writers contend with what it means to make and remake a home. Hear short stories from Seattle residers Daniel Tam-Claiborne, Diana Xin, and Juan Carlos Reyes, and poems from Josh Fomon, all exploring movement across a city, from the known to unknown, the strange to the familiar, the secret hidden spaces, and the points of connection and meaning that echo something out of reach. From Fomon’s work with Black Ocean publishers to Tam-Claiborne’s debut novel to Xin and Reyes’ debut short story collections, this is a panel you won’t want to miss.
Source: https://getlitfestival2025.sched.com/event/1v9gd/haunted-cities-perspectives-from-the-pacific